Monday, September 15, 2008

I watched the weight lifting of Paralympics

The weight lifting of both Olympics and Paralympics is held in one of the gyms of my university. Today my friend told me that the university student are free to watch the game, I quited my work at once heading for the gym.

There were so many audiences here at the gym. This was my first time to see so many disabled people on their wheelchairs. I adore them for their positive attitude to life. I'm not sure whether I'll be as strong as them if I'm disabled. I don't want to watch the Paralympics on TV, the only reason of that is I feel heart broken seeing so many disabled bodies. However, if I am the disabled athlete, I think I need audiences to support me, not avoiding eyesight. We should not just feel I'm sorry facing the disabled, I think we'd better treat them just like ordinary people.

As an audience, I think the competitive atmosphere is more or less coverd by the warm air of friendship and care. Every athlete, no matter win or lose, received a warm applause. Everyone is a winner just appearing on the stage. In my heart, I want to give each of the athlets a warm hug.


Charli Henley said...

Rabbit!! You are so wonderful! I swear - every thing you write is absolutely dripping with kindness and wisdom. As always, thank you for this one. I feel particularly drawn to this post because of my disabling illness (though I could never play a sport!).

Keep up the sweet.

Linda S. Socha said...

Hello my friend Rabbit
I have a friend who has won 8 gold medal ribbons for wheelchair racing. He has also adopted 3 special needs children. I am often in awe of what his life is and how much support he gets in living from a totally wonderful wife. ..I have a friend who is 15 and has been in a chair for two years since a racing bike wreck and he continues to go to school. I do not think I could do as well. I am grateful for these blessings of not having to know.