Sunday, October 26, 2008


This afternoon, I went to an auditoria rather than church with a christian. It's a small room full of people. The priest stood in front of us, beside him is an Electronic Keyboard. No candles, no cross.
I'm so unfamiliar with the atmosphere, but not uncomfortable. They sang songs I never heard of before and murdered something strange. We asked to stand up and prayed for the God. Someone at this moment played the keyboard. And the priest said something while we are praying. I cried. I just couldn't hold myself.
Later was the teaching of the Bible. But I don't like the translation of it. I think I will look at the English version.
I just cannot understand why I cry so heavily at that time...


Alb said...

"[M]urdered something strange"? I wonder what you mean by that.

Emotional crying is something scientists are still trying to understand. It's hard to say why, but I think you might've been touched in some way by something.

I find particular religious passages very moving, regardless if it came from Christianity, Buddhism, Taoism, etc. There are many things with any religion that I don't agree with, but there are equally as many things that I do agree with.

FlyingRabbit said...

Hmm, When the priest was praying at the stage, we are praying following him. Different people prayed different things. Every words the priest ended, we added amen. That'l what seems strange to me. I don't mean to offend somebody by saying strange.

Yes, I think I'm just deeply touched by what the priest said and the sacred music.

Charli Henley said...

Maybe when you said "murdered" you meant "muttered"?

Anyway, I am happy for you and your spiritual awakening. Spirituality and faith can bring meaning, support, and love into your life. It sounds like you are finding those things.

I am wondering: does your new interest in Christianity jeopardize your standing in the Party? How are you reconciling the two?

FlyingRabbit said...

Charli, are you the worm of my stomach? I'm sorry about the murdered word, I actually want to say muttered. Please forgive my poor English. I'm sorry causing your misunderstanding.
I haven't believe there exists a God yet. The priest asked me like that. I just said no. But I'm deeply touched by something sacred of Christianity. Choosing nothing to believe is tough to me. I want to seek hope and other beautiful things which can release me from guilty, depression and stress. The Communist Party believes thorough materialism and excludes any mentalism, which I don't think right in heart. Maybe you can say, I'm just part of a party member. Yes, I think it's true. I'll go on exploring which I truely believe. It's really hard for me to give a definite answer now.

Linda S. Socha said...

Hello Rabbit
This post is great! I especially
liked your phrase...But I'm deeply touched by something sacred of Christianity.....I understand being touched by the sacred. Sometimes I find it a challenge to see it in certain aspects of Christianity but that is likely from my personal experience of an overly strict fundamentalist rearing.
Charli and alb were great diplomats about the murdered line that was meant to be muttered. Before I go ,I have to say I loved best of all that line!! I feel an empathy here with the line
"I murdered something strange"

There are many times I have had the feeling of wanting to murder something strange!!

Hugs and happy murdering (ok muttering) to us both!

Stu 陶明瀚 said...

I like your open sharing spirit, and all this talk about spirituality has got me to thinking about it more. I cracked that old dusty book in the corner that hasn't been read for a very long time and read a chapter this morning before work.

The nature of the business I am in is very cut-throat and sometimes in the scramble of competitiveness it can be down right ugly. It was nice to focus on something positive to remind me not to get caught up in the current negativity.

Yes, and about that murder word... maybe a
Freudian slip?