Friday, October 3, 2008

Chinese songs

female singers
1.隐形的翅膀(Invisible wings)  by 张韶涵
2.那些花儿(that flower)  by 范玮琪
3.我愿意(I will)  by 王菲
4.但愿人长久(May we all be blessed with longevity, written by Su Shi) by 王菲
5.说爱你(say love you)  by 蔡依林
6.日不落(sun never fall)  by 蔡依林
7.欧若拉(Aurora)  by 张韶涵
8.寓言(fable) by 张韶涵
9.流年(fleeting time)  by 王菲
10.漫漫人生路(long long life road)  by 邓丽君
11.甜蜜蜜(sweet sweet sweet)  by 邓丽君
12.月亮之上(above the moon)  by 凤凰传奇
13.橄榄树(olive)  齐豫
14.乡间小路(country road) 齐豫
15.恰似你的温柔(your softness)  蔡琴
16.如果的事(if)  范玮琪
17.一个像夏天一个像秋天(one is like summer the other is like fall)  范玮琪
18.lydia  sang by f.i.r
19.我们的爱(our love)  f.i.r
20.绿光(green light)  孙燕姿
21.天路(road to heaven)   韩红
22.神话(myth)  韩红、孙楠

male singers
1.七里香(seven mile fragrant) 周杰伦
2.简单爱(simple love) 周杰伦
3.青花瓷(bule and white porcelain) 周杰伦
4.吻别(kiss goodbye) 张学友
5.大城小爱(big city small love) 王力宏
6.心中的日月(sun and moon in my heart) 王力宏
7.美人鱼(mermaid) 林俊杰
8.江南(river south) 林俊杰
9.十年(decade) 陈弈迅
10.敢不敢(dare you) 罗志祥
11. melody 陶喆
12.光辉岁月(glary time) beyond
13.无与伦比的美丽(uncomparable beauty) 苏打绿
14.曾经的你(you) 许巍
15.蓝莲花(blue lotus flower) 许巍
16.千里之外(thousand of miles away) 周杰伦、费玉清
17.快乐崇拜(happyness adorement) 潘玮柏、张韶涵
18.倾国倾城(Drop-dead gorgeous) 阿宝
19.童话(fairy tale) 光良
20.想太多(think too much) 李玖哲
21.月亮代表我的心(the moon represents my heart) 齐秦
22.大约在冬季(in winter) 齐秦
23.有没有人告诉你(if someone tell you) 张楚生

These music are of all kinds. It cost me so much time to paste each link. Hope you like it.

1 comment:

Linda S. Socha said...

I like many of these and in particular The Moon Represents My heart... Thanks Rabbit...